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We have two reading programs happening now: 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten and Great Billings Book Hunt. Register or login to your account on the right side of the screen.

1,000 Books before Kindergarten is a permanent on-going program for the pre-school crowd. We encourage reading with your child at least 1 book a day. To register click the "Register" or "Register Now" link.  Choose the "Adults Signing Up Children" button on the next page.  Adults register an account first and choose "Adult signing up children" from the "What program do you want to sign up for?" drop-down.  Then, add children and choose "1000 Books Before Kindergarten" for each of the children.

Great Billings Book Hunt is a full-year reading program for adults beginning. To register click the "Register" or "Register Now" link.  Choose the "Families, Teen, Adults" button on the next page. Then choose the "Great Billings Book" option in the "What program do you want to sign up for?" drop-down.

Visit our website for more information:

 1,000 Books  -  Great Billings Book Hunt